A review by 13rebecca13
Stop at Nothing by Tammy Cohen


I am conflicted about this one. I've rated it 4 but it's really 3.5 rounded up.

The plot is great! Tessa's daughter Emma is attacked by a man when she gets off the bus and it is stopped by a kind passerby, Frances, who ends up bringing her home and builds a relationship with Tessa and Emma. Tessa is divorced and is still coming to terms with the fact that her husband left her for another woman. She becomes fixated on finding the man who attacked her daughter, going as far as finding out his name, where he lives and looking up his social media profiles.

I don't want to spoil the ending but to me it was pretty obvious where it was going to go and Tessa's fixation on making the attacker pay was a bit long and drawn out. I liked it but I didn't love it.