A review by chllybrd
Bloodshot by Cherie Priest


Reviewed by http://urbanfantasyinvestigations.blogspot.com/

I had never heard of Cherie Priest or her books until I saw the cover for BLOODSHOT. The blurb sounded right up my alley so I pre-ordered myself a copy and dug right into it when it arrived. Raylene's personality is awesome, she is independent, sassy and is an all around kick ass Heroine. The plot was engaging, and packed full of action. The mystery kept me thinking and guessing and I was still shocked at the end to find out what was really going on. I never got bored with reading it and there were nice twists and turns throughout the entire book. There were things left that still need to be explained so I will be looking out for book two and I think I will also see what else Priest has to offer in her other books.