A review by ladyofthelake68
A Year of Biblical Womanhood: How a Liberated Woman Found Herself Sitting on Her Roof, Covering Her Head, and Calling Her Husband 'master' by Rachel Held Evans


When I first picked up this book, I was pretty sure I would be disagreeing with the author the entire time. Her goals for each month sounded completely ridiculous. Evans tries to live out a year of biblical womanhood. The idea itself doesn't sound too bad, but many of the traditions and customs that women followed in biblical times are no longer applicable today. By the end of the book, however, I really appreciated the point that Evans was trying to make. So often women are told to do things because they are commandments given to women in the bible. However, the bible makes many of these same commandments to men, and others deal with certain situations.

This book made me realize many things about my faith as well as showed me how I need to be careful when interpreting the bible.

I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to discover what the bible says about women. Keep an open mind and consider what Evans is trying to prove by her experiment.