A review by sjj169
The Void by J.D. Horn


Frigging book! It's so hard to rate this one. I kept thinking I'm giving it a one star...no I'm giving it a five star. I am going with a 3.5 star rounded up.

The book picks up where the last one left off. You do need to read the first two books in this series to totally enjoy this one. The author touches base on things that happened previously but my opinion goes toward reading the others. Mercy is still pregnant and now there is someone spreading body parts all over Savannah.

Mercy really still hasn't had a chance to see her powers come to full power yet. The anchors of the line still want her either gone or completely in the dark. Maisy is back but at first is still in la-la land. Once Maisy does start coming back to herself though she is a major kick-ass witch.

At around 50% into the book the book takes a completely different turn. At first I was ok..we can do a little adventurous. I like adventure.

Then at around 80%. RAGE and ugly crying.
AND THAT FUCKING ENDING. I hated it. Completely and totally hated it.

Thus my dilemma with the star rating.

The entire series is a fun read. No, it's not great literature, but sometimes you just want entertained. These books do that. They involve some of my favorite storylines. Savannah GA, shown to it's spooky brilliance, witches, witches and more witches, with some other creatures thrown in for good measure.
Hells yeah.

I received an arc copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review