A review by marik0n
The Patient by Jasper DeWitt


 I really wanted to enjoy this book, but there were so many things wrong with it that I don't even know where to begin.

The plot: In a thread of blog posts, a psychiatrist (Parker) tells the tale of a peculiar psych patient (Joe). He claims that several staff members that have worked with Joe have either gone insane or committed suicide. The readers of the blog are encouraged to try and guess the mental illness that torments Joe and those around him. HOWEVER (and I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH), we are falsy led to believe that this story has anything to do with a mental illness while it DOESN'T. This is rather a paranormal/ supernatural impossibility. If I knew that this was a paranormal book I would have never picked it up, because that's not my cup of tea.

-I was tempted to DNF it at 20%, but I thought that since this is a short book and taking under consideration all the nice comments I read, I pushed through. Big mistake. I ended up wasting my time.

-In the description, I read that this book is somehow similar to The Silent PatientThe Silent Patient. No, it isn't. I suppose it kind of resembles S. King's writing, but I cannot say for sure, since I do not really know a lot about his book because I don't like them at all.

-This attempt at a blog format was the means to no end. There was no reason for it and it made reading kind of tiring (like trying to read this story wasn't already hard enough)

-All four of the female characters are more like caricatures than actual people and are only there to.. i don't know. I can't even really say that they progress the plot, because the plot itself is a joke.

-The way the main character talks about his mentally ill mother sickens me (abomination, it etc.). Even more disturbing is that he thought that of her when he was a little boy. Like what????

-Dude is describing his boss (one of the FC) and his only comments are about her body and her looks? Disgusting. Also, they are practically the same person, but she is unethical and callous? At the same time, he is so fucking arrogant. No one knows ANYTHING, but him (who, mind you, has just graduated from school). Moreover, I should probably mention that despite the fact that his boss acted pretty much the same as him at his age, she claims that she was bamboozled by Joe, because she doesn't have children views basically anyone younger than her as her child. What The Fuck? Meanwhile, none of the male characters in the book had children and none of them were viewing this patient as their son.

-Don't get me started on the editing, because it seems like there was no provision for that. I noticed several typos and double words and so much repetition.

Ultimately, I didn't understand the point of this story, and I’m pretty upset that I wasted my time reading this.

P.S. The past few months I actively try and avoid books written by men, because I am tired of reading shitty books. However, once every few weeks I try and read a book written by a man. And oh boy, how the almost never fail to disappoint me.