A review by didyousaybooks
The Brilliant Book of Doctor Who 2011 by Clayton Hickman


I really love DW's Brilliant books!
They're fun to read for any fans, may you be young or already at your 12th regeneration.
You don't especially learn much, it's not an encyclopedia anyway, but still fun facts are all around the book. If you already knew them, others may not and that's why I love those books.
And you don't have to be a die-hard fan to enjoy it.

As the Doctor Who Annuals are more children oriented, the Brilliants books can satisfy a much broader audience. That being said, I think it will also please younger fans an childrens.
There're stories and little addition as "documents" files on secondary characters or companions that could particularly please children. In form of diaries, spy files and school records.

Yep, I'm definitely recommending it.