A review by yara_x
The Question of Palestine by Edward W. Said


“There is no question of consulting the natives of the territory where the new society is to be given birth. …Imperialism was the theory, colonialism the practice of changing the uselessly unoccupied territories of the world into useful new versions of the European metropolitan society. Everything in those territories that suggested waste, disorder, uncounted resources, was to be converted into productivity, order, taxable, potentially developed wealth. You get rid of most of the offending human and animal blight-whether because it simply sprawls untidily all over the place or because it roams around unproductively and uncounted--and you confine the rest to reservations, compounds, native homelands, where you can count, tax, use them profitably, and you build a new society on the vacated space.”

it is horrifying that we are having the exact same conversations 40 years later with practically no change, this generations revolution is where progress begins.