A review by cocktailsandbooks1
You Before Anyone Else, by Julie Cross, Mark Perini


This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

There was so much about YOU BEFORE ANYONE ELSE  that I loved.  The characters, the storyline and even the backdrop for this story were perfect.  But what I loved most about this book were Finley and Eddie.  Their unmistakable draw to each other.  The uncanny way they knew when the other needed them, even when they were trying to stay away.  It was remarkable that two people so young could know exactly what they wanted from the other...even when they didn't know what they wanted from themselves.

Finley and Eddie find themselves, at the tender age of 18, trying to breakaway.  Eddie from his controlling family, desperate to have something that is his.  And Finley, desperate to make money to re-open the one place that always brought her happiness...her parents' dance studio.  They both turn to modeling and suddenly are running in the same circles, living in the same building and finding themselves drawn to each other.

Both these characters have pieces of them that are broken, but Eddie is by far the wrose off of the two of them.  Modeling for him is a way to runaway from his family and the nightmare that has been his life for several months.  Typecast as a "bad boy" by the modeling agencies, Eddie is anything but.  He's thoughtful, sweet and determined to do the right thing no matter what the cost.  When Eddie's full story is revealed, it's hard to not admire a kid who was so willing to stand up for what he wanted, even if that meant leaving the comforts he had known before behind.

Finley was instantly likable and as we got to know her, we understand why she carried the burdens that she did.  But as she carried those burdens, she also forgot what it was that she loved before her world fell apart.  It took Eddie's belief in her, his gentle pushing and a good friend with a camera to show Finley that she could follow her dream and still achieve the goal she set out for herself.

This was such a great story and it's one I know I'll be telling people to read.  The book is charming and sticks with you well after you turned to the last page.

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Julie Cross and Mark Perini, along with Tasty Book Tours, are celebrating those who have taken the steps in Breaking the Mold on society’s expectations, like Finley, the heroine from YOU BEFORE ANYONE ELSE!  We are looking for anyone who would like to share their story and be entered to win a 2017 Erin Condren Life Planner!


Head over to fb.me/TastyBookTours and leave a comment with your story.  Feel free to share picture of your journey and use #breakingthemold at the end of your comment!

Entries must be in by 11:59pm, Aug 15th, 2016.  No purchase necessary to enter.  If under 12 years old, you must have approval by a guardian to enter.   

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Julie Cross is a NYT and USA Today bestselling author of New Adult and Young Adult fiction, including the Tempest series, a young adult science fiction trilogy which includes Tempest, Vortex, Timestorm (St. Martin’s Press).

She’s also the author of Letters to Nowhere series, Whatever Life Throws at You, Third Degree, Halfway Perfect, and many more to come!

Julie lives in Central Illinois with her husband and three children. She’s a former gymnast, longtime gymnastics fan, coach, and former Gymnastics Program Director with the YMCA.

She’s a lover of books, devouring several novels a week, especially in the young adult and new adult genres.

Outside of her reading and writing credibility’s, Julie Cross is a committed–but not talented–long distance runner, creator of imaginary beach vacations, Midwest bipolar weather survivor, expired CPR certification card holder, as well as a ponytail and gym shoe addict.


Mark Perini is a New York City based author debuting his first YA novel, Halfway Perfect. Additionally, Mark is a featured author in the NA anthology, Fifty First Times.

Mark began his career as an international fashion model when he was 18 years old, while simultaneously obtaining a business degree from Seton Hall University. He has a passion for traveling the world, and he’s made a blood pact with friends to see all seven ancient wonders of the world before he’s thirty. Four down three to go.


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