A review by lineyadamek
Nectar of War: The Song of Verity and Serenity by Leilani Helen Aki

Did not finish book. Stopped at 35%.
I really wanted to like this book. Some of the world building and plot aspects were exciting and different. But, my god, the writing style took me out of the story on EVERY page.
It’s one thing to keep the tone formal to give the old world vibe but it’s completely another to swap out entirely acceptable terms for “smarter” synonyms in every sentence. 
“He is so pulchritudinous that is is painful to look at someone like Laven” 
And some of the syntax was just very odd and includes some completely unnecessary clauses , again taking me out of the story to re-read the sentence.  
“A large H is what the initial on the gate reads”
“Each close of my eyes soared my mind into sauntering restlessly with irate thoughts, and those irate thought woke me every hour”

If the author does a rewrite of this story for a later edition, I would love to know how the plot progresses, but I won’t be finishing this book.