A review by mirpanda277
Star Trek: Spock VS. Q : An Alien Voices Production by Leonard Nimoy, Alien voices


Spock vs. Q is a playful, droll production that’s definitely worth a Trekkie’s time. I particularly enjoyed Q fangirling for Spock when he first appears on stage, and Spock telling him to get in line.
I would still love to see them in a true Trek setting, where the safety of the Enterprise or Vulcan depends on a battle of wits (Hey! Maybe Q can save Vulcan from its fate in Star Trek 2009!).

I’m less satisfied by their stand-up act firmly set in present time on a stage in front of a bunch of humans in which there’s nothing truly (truly fictionally) at stake—but I’m sure there’s a novel out there for me.

Nonetheless, I expect this was a fantastic show to see in person, with these actors playing off the audience’s reactions, and I’m glad an audio version was made available for me to listen to!