A review by thegeekyblogger
Burned by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast


Review: This is by far my favorite book of the series so far. I do not want to give the plot or the story away so I am going to be as vague as possible in my review.

Things I loved: More Stevie Ray and Aphrodite! In fact, I would almost say this book was their book. As they are my two favorite characters in the series it made this book that more enjoyable. I loved how PC flushed these two characters out by both growing them as individuals and having them work together more. I think in the series in general, these are the two that have grown the most and made the most of the changes in their lives. They both still have annoying qualities that I would cover a little later. Less Z, which I know is supposed to be the heroin of the series but honestly her character has never really caught on with me. In fact, I find myself loving the series in spite of her and her boy issues. Though, the end gave me hope that in the next book we might see Z developed more and on the same level as A and SR.

Things I didn't love so much: The way the kids talk. I understand that slang and such is used in everyday teenage life. So many of their interactions are with adults though and they still speak like young teenagers. I know plenty of 15 to 18 young adults that speak clearly when talking to adults. I think the slang is just a bit over-done through out the whole series. This is especially true with Aphrodite. Yes I realize she is a spoiled brat, so the world is her oyster. She is however whip smart and I believe would use language appropriate to whom she was speaking. Even if she was telling them off, she would want to get her point across in a precise manner.

Overall, this was a truly enjoyable addition to the series. The story moved along in a well-paced manner without straying to far from the overall arc. I am looking forward to the next book and can't wait to see what happens in the lives of these characters.

Author Website: http://www.pccast.net/