A review by philomath_in_phila
The Dare by Carol Wyer


I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

I just reread my review of the 1st book in Carol Wyer's Detective Natalie Ward series, The Birthday, and was surprised how much my feeling about different parts of the series changed. All more positive than before.

The Dare is the 3rd, and latest, book in the series. While reading the 2nd book, Last Lullaby, I grew to like the storylines involving the team's home life. That continued into the 3rd book. I was glad to see how much their individual storylines progressed since the 1st book. All of the main characters return for this book. The team is intact and still working together.

In The Dare, Wyer focuses on the challenges that have become wildly popular recently - the ice bucket challenge, the cinnamon challenge, etc. One of the victims frequently completed those types of challenges and the team needs to figure out if that was why she became a target or if it for something else entirely. Can Ward find the killer before he strikes again?

I do not know why I did not post a review for the 2nd book, Last Lullaby and will post one soon.

I am looking forward to the 4th book in the series!

Review published on Goodreads on 4/23/19 and will be posted on Philomathinphila.com on its release date, 4/25/19.