A review by bookly68
The Warrior Princess by Siobhan Davis


Alinthia has been taken by a special, secret Government agency. Her boys have been knocked out and kidnapped and taken by Alandra and her father, General Arantu. And this is where the book begins, with a bang. And it never slows down!! It’s filled with twists and turns, new powers, new friends, old friends, Alinthia’s desperation to find her guys, and the horrible things the guys suffer at the hands of Alandra!

When I read this I went through a myriad of emotions and back again! I felt frustration, tenseness, sadness, laughter, anger, surprise, irritation, happiness, worry and of course feeling all warm and fuzzy. Lol...it’s hard to believe one book could pull all this from you, but this one does. It’s like a crazy rollercoaster ride, like none I’ve never been on. It does get a bit dark at times, not such nice times. *head bowed*

Tori/Alinthia totally rocks as she trains and learns to develop and control her powers more. I love some of the training scenes! Siobhan does a really great job in writing those. I felt like I could picture it so well. With so much in this book I felt that way. I kept thinking wow, I’d love to see this made into a movie!!! The action in it rocks!!

I’m looking forward to the Audible on this!! I’ve listened to it on the first two and it is SO GOOD!! The narrators are top quality!! This one will probably be the best on Audible!!

I love this series!! It’s definitely one of my favorite series and I recommend it highly!! Whether you read it or listen to it on Audible, you will love it!!!