A review by roxiethebookslayer
Alessa's Melody: A Psychological Gothic Horror Novella by Jayson Robert Ducharme


Title:  Alessa's Melody
Author: Jason Robert Ducharme
Synopsis: Having been responsible for the death of his sister fifty years before, the lonesome and grief-stricken Louis Delacroix works as the butler of a mountain estate belonging to a dying steel tycoon. His fragile world falls to pieces upon the arrival of a young girl, who possesses a special and familiar talent that threatens to drive Louis over the edge.
Publisher:  Self-published
Rating:  ⭐⭐
Publishing Date: October 6, 2020

Alessa's Body is a fairly standard gothic novella about a man who is haunted by survivor guilt.  I didn't hate it, but I didn't really like it either.  I know! I hate saying that, I wanted to love it, but it felt very cliche at times and I was often told rather than shown by the author.

Thank you to the author for a gifted copy of "Alessa's Melody" in exchange for a honest review.