A review by samhain
Orphan Black: Crazy Science #1, by Heli Kennedy, Fico Ossio


Still mad neither the show nor the comics ever addressed how manipulative and toxic Delphine was, especially with Shay, but despite that I'm happy to see Cosima happy and doing what she's wanted to do since she found out the Leda were sick. Hopefully her PTSD dream will just be that, a dream :(

Oh, and as someone said in another review, the style of the comics is really annoying for picking up who is a clone and who isn't. Apart from the one with the side-cut, no one but Cosima has Tat's face. But I would accept that if only they were portraying the new Leda as truly different, but so far they're all slim and normcore brunettes. Even if they're clones, there's no way they all have the same body shapes, the same health, the same everything. In the show, it made sense that they couldn't change these things, but they did try their best to not make it look like Sarah with a wig on. In the comics? It's Sarah with a wig on all.the.damn.times!! Michaela and Zarin especially. They look like Sarah trying to impersonate Alison while on a con-artist job. If it's gonna be difficult to identify them as clones, at the very least give us different shapes and abilities and styles.