A review by elzecatreads
The Goblets Immortal by Beth Overmyer


*Thanks to Flame Tree Press and author Beth Overmyer for a free ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

The Goblets Immortal is the first book in a trilogy. The second book, Holes in the Veil, is due to be published in February 2021.

In this world, people who can use magic are called the "Blest." Aidan has been living an apparently quiet life in his village, trying not to attract too much attention with his skill of being able to Summon and Dismiss objects (and sometimes people!) at will. After being betrayed by a friend, Aidan is on the run from a rich lord who will stop at nothing to gain Aidan's powers and the treasure he thinks Aidan carries. Along the way, he gets mixed up with ancient elves, a group of Roma travelers, dangerous goblins, and a somewhat unwilling partner, Slaine, a young woman who was being held as a slave by the elves and keeps secrets of her own.

What I liked:
You had me at any fantasy that includes goblins, elves, quests, and magic. I liked how Aidan's magic manifested in very visual ways, and I was immediately curious about the quest to find the "Goblets Immortal" at the bequest of mage Meraude who apparently hates magic and magic-users. I also enjoyed the dream sequences where Aidan's past begins to be revealed to the reader.

What I didn't like:
There are some unexplained things, like why Slaine is cursed, although I expect that more information will come with the sequel. I also thought the developing relationship between Aidan and Slaine was a little awkward.

Who should read this: Anyone who enjoys fast-moving fantasy and a cast of odd but lovable characters.