A review by bookapotamus
The Beantown Girls by Jane Healey


It's 1944, and there is a war, and those topics alone typically stop me from reading certain books. SO MANY TIMES I've started reviews with, I'm not a "historical fiction fan but....." BUT, THIS BOOK. This has officially turned me into a HUGE historical fiction fan. I adored every character, I looked forward to reading it every night and rushed to get back to it. And I am SO MAD that it had to end. The emotions in this one are so easy to feel - I found myself laughing out loud, and my husband kept asking if I was getting sick. Oh the sniffles! I NEVER cry at books! What is happening to me!

Oh, AND ... my all time most favorite thing on the planet: Food Trucks! Yes, my friends, World War II food trucks.

I loved Band of Brothers, I will drop everything to read/watch/talk about it. It's not often I get really into war stories, but when you flat out fall in love with the characters - it's easy. And this book, a sort of Band of Sisters, but Red Cross girls, is something I really got into - and although I might have teared up during some really tight spots in the story, I flat out bawled when this book was over. It's real, it's gritty, it's relatable, it's full of all the feelings. A new favorite for sure!

Fiona Denning is the captain of The Beantown Girls, a group of Red Cross Clubmobile girls that drive a (yes!) food truck throughout the war bringing doughnuts, coffee, candy and cigarettes, but most of all - much needed morale - to the soldiers on the front lines of the war. Fiona thought her life was all put together and headed in a pretty secure direction, when her fiancé Danny heads off to war and soon becomes missing in action. In the blink of an eye her entire life plan has changed. Along with her two best friends, Dottie, as shy musician, and Viv, an outspoken diva of sorts, the three Boston girls join the Clubmobile program and their entire lives change.

For Fiona, she wants answers. What happened to Danny and where is he? And is he still alive? For the other girls, it's about finding themselves, a little adventure, and wanting to do something for those who are sacrificing so much. What they find is all of that and more - love, danger, friendship and just learning to live in the moment.

I cannot even stress how great of a story this is. It's easily my favorite historical fiction book to date. The girls and the soldiers are forever embedded in my list of favorite casts of book characters. The story is at times terrifying and heartbreaking, but also so much fun as the girls are so easily lovable. The writing is fresh, and enticing and I devoured every word and wish there were more! Bravo Jane Healey!