A review by dashichka
Ink by S.J. Davis


This might actually be my shortest review yet. There’s not much to say. I don’t even know where to begin. This book is only 75 pages long. The build up was good. Sparrow’s mother dies in front of her in a car crash with the parting words of “It’s a good day to die”, so she’s left to live with her aunt. In her sadness and guilt she starts cutting herself, and becomes haunted with voices in her head.

To get to the “point” the book kind of jumps around. Its disorienting and hard to focus on the characters or the story. I couldn’t really connect to anyone, or really get into the story as a whole. You wouldn’t think that a 75 page book would have room for a love triangle, but you’d be wrong. Oh joy. Additionally, I thought the ending was very anti-climatic. It just kind of ends. I guess I kind of missed the point of the story as a whole. Its another case of it would have been better if it was a lot longer. But being what it was, the book’s redeeming quality was the fact that it was a short and easy read. Recommended if you want something fast and easy to read in short amount of time.