A review by netgyrl
Changing the Script by Lee Winter


4 Stars - audible edition - long but just right - enjoyed it a lot

Where to start with this one... well... its very long, like, 13 hours, which can be a good or bad thing. I am happy to say that I felt the length was just right. I never felt like the story was dragging and the pace of the relationship was spot on. The narrator did a good job on aussie and american accents but I felt like the english accent just ended up sounding like an aussie most of the time. That being said, it didn't really bug me that much.

The other thing that a longer book can offer is some time with the MC's after they become a couple. Thank you, Lee Winters, for letting us hang out with your MCs for a bit and getting to enjoy them being together for awhile. So many books run you through the angst ringer then boom the book is over the minute they realize they like each other. I actually feel like I know these two MC and would love to have a beer with them at Mama G's hotel.

There is a mystery that happens and leads to some major fallout for one of the MCs in particular that is pretty extreme. I understand why it happens, it makes sense that it happens and lets other things happen that give us a nice tidy HEA and, yes, I know I am being vague but I am trying to avoid spoilers. It's just that if I was the MC in question I would have been massively pissed off for A LOT longer, but maybe I am just a bitch like that. :)

Finally, I just want to thank all the people that took time to write a review, because without all the glowing reviews I might not of ever bothered with this book. I think I looked over it and passed a few times as the blurb and the cover just never caught my attention, but all the positive reviews had me wanting to check it out anyway and I am glad I did.

Bottom like, this is a interesting story with a bit of behind the scenes on how movies get made with two interesting MCs and amusing side characters that I really enjoyed.

BONUS - there is some discussion in the book about some Bulgarian folk music that ends up being used for the opening credits which were giving me Xena vibes. Anyway... I went poking around youtube looking for some and stumbled across this that I liked very much - very moving and I could totally hear this as an opening credits soundtrack for Shezon! Don't let the fact that this is Bulgarian Idol stop you from listening. This gal won and was honoring her heritage by singing a traditional song from her region. A good set of headphones is recommended. Prepare for goosebumps. https://youtu.be/PWPTqdT79Rs