A review by lct
The Bridgertons: Happily Ever After, by Julia Quinn


★ ½

What was the point to this? Special mentions to:

• the atrocious treatment of mental illness in the [b:To Sir Phillip, With Love|110386|To Sir Phillip, With Love (Bridgertons, #5)|Julia Quinn|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1274211519l/110386._SY75_.jpg|13341300] epilogue; Amanda wishing that Marina had died earlier so that Eloise could be her mum sooner was an appalling moment to add in to this story.

• the ageism in the description of Eloise looking young for her age, why are women supposed to not age to be beautiful?

• the little terror that is Isabella St. Clair, I loved [b:It's in His Kiss|110393|It's in His Kiss (Bridgertons, #7)|Julia Quinn|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1314461965l/110393._SY75_.jpg|1460849] and it was by far my favourite in the series, but I was so disappointed by this epilogue. Isabella hiding the diamonds at a young age was already bad enough, but keeping them hidden when she was old enough to know better makes no sense.

• Francesca’s miracle baby. [b:When He Was Wicked|110396|When He Was Wicked (Bridgertons, #6)|Julia Quinn|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1274212205l/110396._SY75_.jpg|1118162] was had a wonderful message that a couple don’t need children to live a perfectly happy and fulfilled life, just for this epilogue to undo it all.

• Kate and Anthony’s epilogue just being a complete rehash of their pall mall game in [b:The Viscount Who Loved Me|861326|The Viscount Who Loved Me (Bridgertons, #2)|Julia Quinn|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1379594308l/861326._SY75_.jpg|3363], it was cute I suppose but utterly unmemorable.

• the blandness of the epilogues, I can barely remember any of them so it just feels like putting them in a separate book is a shameless cash grab.

I didn't like the other books enough to really care about their epilogues.