A review by misspentdays
I Lived on Butterfly Hill by Marjorie Agosín


Young adult, historical fiction,1970s, Chile

While the “disappearances” are addressed in language suitable for middle school readers, this was an excellent read as an adult. Pair it with THE HOUSE OF THE SPIRITS and you may either never leave the house again (because crying a river makes you tired) or immediately book a trip to Chile. (Side note: "The Dictator" in this book only lasts a handful of years, rather than the 17 Pinochet actually lasted.)

Beautiful language and thoughtful discussion of what it means to be an exile. Several passages reminded me of statements by an ex-pat friend and really brought home that feeling of always missing home- because you truly have more than one.

While the book may be a bit long for many middle schoolers, there are some parts that would work really as excerpts.