A review by olivia_piepmeier
The United States Constitution: A Graphic Adaptation by Aaron McConnell, Jonathan Hennessey


I think that it's awesome that this exists. I hope it has attracted readers who would usually not read parts of/about the Constitution. Images of groups of people representing Americans are often full of diversity. The narrative choices they make are interesting and likely to get a McCloud approval. However, I still found it a drag.

I got it via interlibrary loan to help brainstorm a way I might work something about the Constitution into my first year seminar on graphic novels due to Constitution Day requirements. It's been sitting on my desk for almost a month with me reading bits every few days, and it's taken me this long to read it! Similar to the Information Now book, this is text heavy. It has to be. Because the transitions are often appear non-sequitor (though I think they're making references, they might not make sense immediately) AND it's text heavy, it's not a quick read.

I'm still not sure how I'll make an assignment related to this for my class. Like I said, I'm glad it exists, but it's not my favorite work of comic art.