A review by twerkingtobeethoven
Dangerous by Milo Yiannopoulos


Roughly three years ago, on youtube, I stumbled upon a video. There was this flamboyant & flamingly gay bloke with platinum hair debating a feminist woman. He was funny, hysterically entertaining and amazingly intelligent. Whereas his feminist counterpart was dead fucking serious, stern, schoolmarmish and, quite honestly, very unpleasant despite her wonderful British accent. That's where my unconditional love for Milo Yiannopoulos began. Oh, here's the video, in case you want to check it out for yourselves: https://youtu.be/-kj5YNBPKzg

Then, in 2016, after being falsely accused of advocating paedophilia (During an interview, he stated he had learned to give good head when he was 13, after sucking off a catholic priest. And, oh boy, did I laugh at that bit when I heard it. It was SO Milo, cracking jokes about every forbidden topic.) and having his book cancelled by Simon & Schuster, it'd seem like his carreer had been shattered and come to an abrupt stop. Well, my arse! The Dangerous Faggot was back with a vengeance not even a year later, and stronger than ever. Aye! it took Milo roughly 5 minutes to make Jessica Rowe look like an absolute twat on National TV. And that, alone, gets my appreciation.

Also, only a few days ago, in Melbourne, an angry mob of cunts - neonazis and commies - kicked each other's arse just outside the venue where Milo held one of his speeches. Here's a link, I think the photos are fucking awesome: http://amp.theage.com.au/victoria/violent-clashes-outside-altright-commentator-milo-yiannopoulos-event-in-kensington-20171204-gzymgq.html (I didn't bother to read the article.)

Milo Yiannopoulous has accomplished the impossible. He has both neo-nazis and commies hating him with a passion. How? Just by being a right-wing Jewish fervently zionist gay man married to a black American bloke. See? It's that easy. Neo-Nazis at the Daily Stormer call him a “nigger-loving kike faggot” and a “disease-ridden Jew”, while lefties call him a “white nationalist/supremacist leader”, "alt-right" and a "neo-nazi". Now, all in all, it looks like angry lefties might be a little bit on the wrong side when it comes to judging this flamboyant British bloke. More wrong than neonazis, that is.

How can you not love Yiannopolous? He has a wonderful Greek surname, and he's a treasure to the whole world: wherever he goes, commies and nazis kick each other's teeth in. That said, I have no clue why coppers in Melbourne had to intervene to separate the two factions when they could have just stood there enjoying the free show while savouring a bucket of popcorn.

Now, the book, Dangerous, is a lot of fun. And, as I expected, it comes with plenty of facts that cannot be denied. Every little piece of information has its own footnote for the readers to check for themselves they're not being bullshat.

That said, Milo has been accused of "islamophobia", and rightly so: "A Gallup poll of Muslims in the UK found that not a single Muslim in the 1,001 people polled thought that homosexuality was morally acceptable." I don't know why any gay man out there should consider islam a "religion of peace" when they know they could be sentenced to death in 11 major muslim countries on the basis of their sexual preferences alone.

Oh, and freedom of speech. Talking about 4chan taking the piss out of him, Milo states:

My face was photoshopped onto a picture of the interracial gay porn movie Poor Little White Guy. Another 4channer posted an image proclaiming that I was not simply a faggot, “but a cool faggot like Freddie Mercury.” Having spent my professional career in the stultifying, politically correct world of tech journalism, I was amazed—and overjoyed—to discover there was still one place of pure, unfiltered mirth in the world.
I had found my people.

You can't offend him, you just can't. The bloke has bigger balls than you think. And he never takes himself seriously. Which is the main reason behind my unconditional love for him.


I will always defend the right of people to make jokes about whatever they choose, and mercilessly attack people who want to destroy the lives of 20-somethings over alt-right memes and 4chan trolling campaigns.
Be twice as funny as you are outrageous, because no one can resist the truth wrapped in a good joke.

Don’t settle for second-best. Hit the gym, go on a diet, go to a tanning salon. Don’t waste money on McDonald’s, spend it at Louis Vuitton.
Advocate for tax exemptions for anyone under 12% body fat!
Keep in mind that it’s not hard to be hotter than many of your opponents, so you don’t even have a good excuse. Be Tomi Lahren, not Lena Dunham.
Always keep women worried you might steal their boyfriends when they’re not looking. Always keep men worried your dicking skills far surpass their own.
Be hot.

Anti-Semitism and racism are not acceptable, and never should be.

Milo, this cis-gender straight privileged white male LOVES YOU!

Five shining stars.