A review by siobhan27
Teardrop by Lauren Kate


I have loved Lauren Kate since I read Fallen years ago, so when I saw that she was writing another series I was really excited. I will say that I absolutely love this cover, it draws you to it, and it did the same for me when I first saw it. But I will say that the cover does not really depict what goes on inside the story, and I really wish that the "girl on the cover with a dress" thing would stop on YA covers because it does not help with understanding the plot.

I am not going to say that I loved this book, because I didn't. The writing, as per usual was amazing and flawless. Lauren has a way of grabbing your attention and keeping you interested, and she did just that with this book. I loved the main character, she was spunky and damaged with the death of her mother. I also loved her relationship with her Father and Stepmother, because it was strained and a little infuriating to read, and I loved that.

I also liked the love interest and how complicated it was. It was not the typical love story because one, there were two interest, and because both boys were shrouded in mystery. I did not know who to chose or who was better, but I also knew that both of these boys were hiding something and I really wanted to know what that was.

Now, the biggest issue for me was the plot itself and the "reveal" at the end. Although an interesting story, to me it was way to out there because it made no sense to me. Her tears will rise the lost city of Atlantis? I mean seriously? I think I laughed when I read that because it just seemed so out of the norm. I am all for taking a myth and messing with it to make a great new story, but for me, Atlantis is one of the cursed ones that does not work as a retelling because it just doesn't make plausible sense.

Overall, I enjoyed the story up until the end when everything was revealed. I felt like the Atlantis part ruined my overall feel of the book and I honestly do not know if I will read the rest of this series. But you never know, my feeling may change.