A review by piasbookshelf
Ash and Snow by Silvana G. Sánchez


Before starting this review, I do want to disclose that I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. This review will be my honest opinion.

If I'm being honest, my feelings on this book can be best summarized as a rollercoaster of emotions. And up until the last 10% of the book, I was convinced my rating on it would be 3.5 stars, however, I think a solid 4 stars is a better rating.

Starting with what I liked, the characters, the relationships and the feelings this story evoked. I am a sucker for the found family trope, so I was so happy to see that this book had it and that it was executed beautifully.

Maleath Snow was a pretty good protagonist. I wish I would have seen more character development for her though. I feel like as a character, she went through her journey but her character remained the same? No growth, no oomph. Just a good conclusion to her story. I did enjoy her character though. However, I feel like the development was lacking a bit.

Ash, I adore him. He's an adorable cinnamon roll and I just wanted to hug him and protect him from the world. Again, we got to know Ash like with did Snow, but no real development happened for him either. I won't give spoilers, however, his story was definitely underdeveloped and I feel like he should have been more than Snow's "Sword".

The Seven? MY BABIES. Akron, Thuriad, Millindrel, Essgard, Romni, Leander, ALL of them stole my heart and gave me such a warm, fuzzy feeling that made me feel cozy and safe. Seriously, just reading the parts that included them made me have the biggest smile on my face and I feel like their ending was perfect for them.

Now moving to the things that made me feel iffy on this book. The romance in this book between the main characters definitely felt rushed, and I understand it in a way since this book was fast paced and an easy read. However, I feel like there could have been more build up to their love story. At times, it felt like it was just thrown together in a way. Like we just grabbed the two main characters and yelled, "NOW KISS!" The fact that they were adorable together made up for it in a way but like I said, more build up, more yearning, more falling in love moments should have happened in my opinion.

Did I see some "plot twists" coming? Yes, I did. Did some other parts have me going like, "WHAT IS GOING ON??" Yes to that too. Part of the ending had me sobbing, so it definitely will have you feeling everything. In the end, it was an easy and quick read and I did enjoy it. I do think you should give it a shot if you are on the fence on giving it a chance!