A review by moris_deri
Dangerous Games: The Uses and Abuses of History by Margaret MacMillan


The teaching and the literary values of history have become George Orwell’s nightmare come true. History is written in a way that helps justify repressive regimes, religious authorities, wars, etc. It is a close examination of how erroneous the story-telling is, and the author blames it on mainstream historians who have relegated the duty of critical analyses to amateurs, preferring to work on the sidelines instead (such as to study the history of Queen Elizabeth instead of the royal family lineage as a whole). It is a cautionary literature on how identity can be an ersatz construct built by someone else who is not privy to the impugned events. Best read together with [b:The Undivided Past: Humanity Beyond Our Differences|15792475|The Undivided Past Humanity Beyond Our Differences|David Cannadine|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1377898464l/15792475._SX50_.jpg|21514356].