A review by arae9352
Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers



Robin LaFevers came to the Barnes and Noble I work two weeks ago, I had wanted to read these anyway so I went to the signing with other work friends and took a leap of faith--bought all three hardcovers and got them signed. I was not disappointed! The history was so rich and the gentle weaving of the mythology was truly enchanting. The only thing that stopped it from being 5 stars was that the romance was never really explained, <*spoiler*>Ismae just sort of got attracted to Duval and then he got attracted to her. It wasn't ista-love by any means, just more of a "oh they both are attracted to each other lets make the fall in love."*spoiler*>, it confused me a little and didn't express what I felt their love for each other was.

Otherwise an awesome start to a series and amazing read!