A review by ahoeft09
Followers by Megan Angelo


My ultimate takeaway is that this ended up being a lot more intriguing than I thought it would be, but didn't really start jibing for me until 2/3 through the book. The story was definitely not what I expected, and both the blurb and title kinda threw me for a loop. I was looking for quite a bit more depth to both Orla's/Floss's celebrity life (the day-to-day, the feelings that came along with it) and Marlow's celebrity life, again day-to-day. I think that, paired with all the interiority, would've painted a clearer picture of what was going on and gotten me more invested in the individual characters earlier on. That said, I get why things were glossed over (Flossed over? heh) for the sake of pacing.

I also ended up inhaling the last 2 hours (audiobook!) in one go. The climax of the long-teased 'spill' was fascinating and I could've read an entire book about that event.