A review by thebooktrail88
Death Deserved by Jørn Lier Horst, Thomas Enger


A short Christmas review:

When two top writers get their heads together, what can you expect? Brilliant new Nordic Noir that's what. I am on a role with good creepy, complex books at the moment and this one is a great addition.

A police officer and a media blogger join forces in what is a very unique and modern way.I haven't read of this mix before in a crime novel - at least not in this way - and I loved the match of the serious and the not so serious aspects of our society. There are a lot of questions up for discussion with this novel. What is celebrity and what causes controversy nowadays?

Clues being left around the city - now that's a nice touch and this really stood out for me how the city and the sites lead to more clues. I LOVED the fact this was a new series and the two characters soon felt as if I'd known them for years. They're very different but a good match. Complex too. Blix's past in particular - well you just know that is going to come back to haunt him in later books.

First book of many I hope!