A review by currentlyrhiding
Gender: A Graphic Guide by Meg-John Barker, Jules Scheele



 I'm hesitant to assign a rating to his because I didn't necessarily think it was bad so much as I felt it was incomplete, even for an introductory work on the topic of gender. It felt like a lot of things were briefly touched upon with no real follow-up or explanation, and while I appreciate that the purpose of this book is to act as a primer rather than an all-encompassing guide to something as nuanced and complex as gender, I still found myself wanting a bit more from it. If you're newer to and less knowledgeable about the subject matter, you might feel differently.

Less importantly, but perhaps still worth noting, I was a bit disappointed by the graphics. The artwork is charming, but there's no color, and I went into it assuming a book labeled as "a graphic guide" would be a little more heavy-handed in its use of artwork.