A review by riverlasol
Broken Wish by Julie C. Dao


I loved the idea of this series as soon as I heard of it and I’ve been wanting to read some of Julie Dao’s work for a while, so I was really looking forward to reading this! I found that the lyrical prose and the characters easily pulled me into the story. The romance element felt a little flat to me, but it didn’t really bother me as the book went on and it wasn’t the main focus. I thought Julie Dao did a great job of talking about prejudice and I really liked the magic elements, too. The magic itself wasn’t anything spectacularly unique, but it was talked about in a unique way: give and take was a recurring theme and one that lent itself amazingly to the surprising ending. The ending is what made this a four star read for me, in fact, and it leaves me wondering what is to come in this series! I’m glad I got to read this and I would recommend it to any YA fantasy fan who is looking for any easy read (by which I mean it’s easy to just enjoy without thinking too hard).