A review by healingtothemax
The F Word: A Personal Exploration of Modern Female Friendship, by Lily Pebbles


F is also for FAST read, able to FLIP through this book with Lily Pebbles putting the FUN in a Fundamental read for us gal pals. Surprising there hasn't been a book like this out there, so it's extra gratifying to be given this resource in helping us understand the roles we play thru choice and instinct in our female friendships. Been there, met that and healed the scars from those toxic sisters still asleep at the wheel. Share this book, hand it to your gal pal, leave it in a free library, mail it to the ones who need it, especially those whom you may not have talked to as often as you both wanted just because life can be distracting. So take a breath, seize the moment, and be the friend you love.