A review by danicapage
Ana María and the Fox by Liana De la Rosa


My Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

My Overall Thoughts/Impressions: This was an enjoyable read. I learned a ton about some historical events I knew nothing about before. I love historical fiction that teaches me new things, so I really loved that part of this book. I listened on audio, and I enjoyed the writing style and the characters. I enjoyed the angst and seeing Gideon and Ana Maria growing into themselves. I've been told the subsequent books might be spicier than I like, as this is about as spicy as I read, but I enjoyed this one. It's a slow burn with very few spicy scenes that can be easily skipped if desired for those who don't prefer spice.

Reading Age: This is an adult historical fiction with a few 18+ scenes towards the end.


Danica Page

You can connect with me on Instagram @danicapage.