A review by liisp_cvr2cvr
Skyshaker by Dean F. Wilson


I love The Great Iron War series because it's different, and I do very well with different. I like to explore my options in what the literature has to offer.
Since it has been a while since I read the previous instalment of the series I was, at first, afraid I wasn't going to be able to really live into this book. And, I was wrong. I took time to think and remind myself of the previous 2 books and the storyline in Skyshaker is absolutely the natural course of action. I mean, it is about war and war I got.
I kept thinking how great the descriptions are in this book. I usually don't really like descriptions, but they really do work in this steampunk novel. It thrives on perfect descriptions. It's a feast for the readers imagination. Perfect.

Now, in Skyshaker the war is taken to the skies and to winning back Blackout. This instalment in the series comes with surprises, and it's rather teasing- after finishing this book, I realized, how the story had subtly planted more questions in my mind that still need to be addressed. It's clever. And I can't wait to see how the story evolves in the next book.

Characters in this book are also clever- Sure, Jacob and Rommond and Tabitha and Whistler are all characters we come to know, love and hate throughout Books 1-3, but I was rather surprised that without going into great detail I found myself connected to Boulder.
It's the dynamics- the complexity and different point of views in terms of the war that the characters are portraying. It's the dynamics in all those various character relationships that are fascinating.

The action in this book made me excited. It was kind of like watching a UFC match and bumping your fists as if it would help the fighters. I was in the fight, I was in that war with the characters.

Last but not least- I have to mention the cover- I mean, it's just beautiful. Every book cover in this series has had the most wonderful depiction of details relating to the story.

The cover art, the plot, the characters, the descriptions- it's all like a well-oiled machine!