A review by jennifersiyuanzhou
Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Rift by Bryan Konietzko, Michael Dante DiMartino, Gene Luen Yang


this one really blew my socks away. exploring how much of historical culture we should hang onto and how so. Aang trying to bring back his culture by doing certain things even though he doesn't know why he's doing it. Toph being against a lot of this just the way it is type of stuff cuz it stifled her growing up. All with the backdrop of industrialization & more spirits. holy shit. and more father-daughter relationships. and all of it coming back with aang re-establishing his tie with Roku holy shit.

the rift: past VS future. father VS daughter. toph VS aang. aang VS roku. spirit VS human

things i bookmarked:
- toph "i dont understand why i have to spend every single day locked up in this house. it gets so so lonely in here" "I'm sorry daught its just the way it is"
- the clearing was supposed to be a savre place and now its being built upon...
- toph "no one's been here for 1-- years! if satoru and his uncle can figure out a way to make this place useful, i say good for them" toph because of what she went thru when she was younger just cant take what aang says about avatar yangchen at face value
- "dont you think you're trying a little too hard to hold on to the past?" "don't you think you're trying a little too hard to run away" "some of us have to run away jsut to...just to live"
- "you guys have got to stop worshiping the past and start worrying about right now! otherwise you're not gonna have a right now to worry about" air acalytes really caught between this past present future thing
- "thisjob is all we've got, without it we dont eat" <--we love industrailiaiton
- "how can you be so blind. your daughter isn't the quiet little girl you're picturing in your head. that girl was just an act I put on to get you and mom off my back. that girl never really existed. your daughter...your real daughter might not be prim and proper but shes become the greatest earthbender of all time! she trained the avtarm then she helped him end the huded year war! and now shes right here standing in front of you dont you have anything to say? about any of that? " and he doesn't. and it hurt. it really really hurts.
- toph you absolute BADASS "right now, toph's metal bending is all that's keeping us from getting crushed'
- finally toph's dad speaks "young lady...toph...my daughter. this is neither the ideal time nor place but I'm afraid. I'm I'm so I'm...after yu and xinfu gave up their search for you, things fell apart between your mother nad me. she blamed me for losing you. perhaps she was right....but now look at us trapped underground not knowing whether well live of die. in case these are our final moments, toph, i need you to know--not a day has gon by when i haven't thought of you. i love you, my daughter and I'm sorry for everything" this was so painful to read. typing it up again I'm crying all over again.
- aang to roku: "and your past lives can only advise you from he perspectives of our lifehistories, based on our own triumphs and failures. as the avatar you must find balance. not just between the spirit and human, but between the past and the present between us and you"
- toph fighting aang one moment and then with aang the next
- "whenever the border between our two words grows into arfit, the avatar will always side with the humans, the avatar is after all, human." "at the core of human nature if the will to dominate. look into your own hear and you'll see that is true. there can be no balance between the spirit world and the human one"
- "same tradition, just in a new form" about the festival