A review by glitterandtwang
Part of It: Comics and Confessions by Ariel Schrag


This is a pretty decent collection of Ariel Schrag's autobio comics, mostly from her preteen to teenage years - at least one of them has already appeared in another anthology. Some (one?) of the comics won't make total sense if you aren't familiar with Schrag's previous books (Awkward, Definition, Potential, and Likewise).

I realize that I am not a particularly objective judge of Schrag's work, however, since I grew up reading her autobio comics and admiring her frank confessional style (along with being amazed that there were queer women writing and drawing comics) - I do think this is a great collection and it would be a good one to start with if you are daunted by the prospect of reading her lengthier books first.

I received access to this title via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.