A review by jemppu
The Coming Storm by Paul Russell


Compellingly complicated and compassionate account throughout. Pure, regrettable, silently devastating, and touchingly human portrayal of self-regard and of regard for others.

The finely nuanced layers of self-deceptions in the inner conflicts of the various narrators are so recognizable of a susceptible individual perception; the constantly accumulating tiny self-justifications and affirmations (in)credibly believable of the thoughts and actions.

The characters' shared tendencies make the following of their contrasting approaches and mannerisms ceaselessly fascinating. The precarious treading on various boundaries is stirringly suspenseful, and where left unspoken, truly unsettling.

Persuasive, sympathetic and arresting account, of tumultuous inner workings beneath charming appearances.

Had me affected and entirely captivated.

(So much so, that I want to forgive the slightly overplayed conclusion, even).