A review by jennilind
Before the Dawn by Lindsey Fairleigh


[b:Before the Dawn|18329357|Before the Dawn (The Ending, #4)|Lindsey Fairleigh|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1433546578s/18329357.jpg|25873044] by [a:Lindsey Fairleigh|6551703|Lindsey Fairleigh|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1449598685p2/6551703.jpg] and [a:Lindsey Pogue|6551704|Lindsey Pogue|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1450465752p2/6551704.jpg] is the fourth and final full novel in The Ending series.

This entire series (and accompanying novellas) is something I stumbled across in January 2014 and have happily devoured. While the entire series is amazing I think this final book is just perfect. Without spoilers, this book has so much going on but manages to stay on a clear overall line and give you the best parts of each character that you've grown to love (or love to hate) throughout all of the prior books and manages to end the series in a way that wants you to know more but are content with how things have ended in the series.

I highly suggest anyone interested in dystopian, world-ending, or YA/New Adult novels look into this series:
The Ending Series:
Book 1 - After The Ending
Book 2 - Into The Fire
Book 3 - Out Of The Ashes
Book 4 - Before The Dawn
The Ending Beginnings:
I - Carlos
II - Mandy
III - Vanessa
IV - Jake
V - Clara
VI - Jake & Clara

I am utterly devastated that there won't be any more novels after this but I am 100% sure there will be more wonderful books by Lindsey & Lindsey that I'll be reading for many years to come!