A review by nbiblioholic
Catching Fireflies by Terri E. Laine


This book was unlike anything I've ever read before but have. I know it makes no sense. Just bear with me. It was a bit like deja vu but not.

Glad I could make it clearer for you. LMAO. It's just that it had familiar themes but the author made them her own. Get it? I hope so lol. It dealt with love, broken hearts, betrayal, addiction, abandonment, death, family, friends, and even the college experience.

Chance had his heart broken senior year of high school by his long-term steady girlfriend. He then swore off relationships in order to protect his little heart. That was until Brie blindsided him, but his fear of hurt was far too great and he sabotaged what could have been. Fast forward two years later and Chance is begging for Brie to take another "chance" on him.

Now for the part I always hate. Detailing what I didn't like about the book. Gah! Okay, so my biggest issue was time. Time would elapse with no explanation. There'd be a brief summary of the major events that happened during this unseen period of time, but I was still lost. That "brief" explanation wasn't enough for me. Add to that the existing stories between the side characters and I feel that I needed to read the first book first. So take my foolish advice, do not read this as a standalone unless you can deal with this.

However, I really do believe that this was the case of just me. So take my advice with a grain of salt.

Overall, these young'uns gave me a great story and I wonder what will be next for this series.

An ARC was generously provided in exchange for an honest review