A review by jenreadsromance
The Captains' Vegas Vows by Caro Carson


Captain Helen Pallas (I'll be honest, I generally think I'm good at the overt symbolism, but for whatever reason, I get this is a reference to The Trojan War, but not quite sure why) wakes up to find she's married one morning in Vegas, only weeks after her divorce is final. The groom is Tom Cross and she doesn't remember anything about the night before--just flashes of very hot sex. Tom is CRAZY in love with her and frustrated, angry, and disappointed that she can't remember. She blows out of the hotel room for Ft. Hood. When she arrives, she discovers that Tom is Captain Tom Cross, he's also stationed at Ft. Hood, and the commanding officer orders them to live together and go to marriage counseling. Tom & Helen have to live together for at least 3 months before they can file for divorce.

Pluses: It's a fairly complicated set up, but one that the author pulls off, I think. It doesn't seem ridiculous or silly, even though it easily could have been. This is all about the emotional journey between them--can they fall in love again? will she remember that magical day?

Wishes: There's basically no external conflict, and I found myself wondering how the author would muscle through, it largely works. But the truth is, I felt like Helen---I wanted more on the day they got married. For story reasons, I get why. But...the heart wants what it wants.

Verdict: Recommended. Even though it's an unorthodox "marriage in trouble" story, I think it's successful. A good category romance is a perfect package, and this delivers.

PS: Also unexpectedly hot for a category romance. Let's just say that Captain Cross has tremendous upper body strength and knows how to use it.

Copied & Pasted from Twitter as part of a project where I'm reviewing the 2019 RITA finalists.