A review by suzanlemont
The Book of Revelation: Rupert Thomson by Rupert Thomson


Another thrift store find fro man author I had never heard of. I would like to give it 4 1/2 stars because of its originality, and the absolutely stunning descriptions of the aftermath of the protagonist's horrific experiences which take place in the first part of the book (the less interesting part for me, not only because the topic is icky/upsetting but because a lot of it didn't make sense, such as why wasn't he searched for at all/treated as a missing person, not even perfunctorily?). I found it riveting most of the way through and stayed up into the night to finish. I underlined a few passages to quote/ponder later and that's always a sign of a good book for me (that something struck me deep enough to do it). Am now curious to read this author's other works. One other little caveat was that there were some minor but annoying discrepancies in his descriptions of Amsterdam/Dutch idiosyncrasies that my obsessive kind of mind had to work hard to ignore. Not enough to put me off of reading, but along with the other unexplained/slightly unrealistic elements made for a not 100% smooth and perfect reading experience. But overall really good.