A review by nightjar656
Baker Thief by Claudie Arseneault


I adored reading this book. There was something about the writing style that so easily pulled me into the world of this book. I also loved the characters (there was a large cast of side characters, but everyone felt distinct from each other and they were all pretty interesting to read about) and the world building (it was fascinating to read about how witches and exocores work in that world). I was really invested in the plot. It was also really nice to watch the relationship between the two leads develop over the course of the book.

What definitively got me to read this was the aro rep, which was really well-done. I appreciated that there were multiple kinds of arospec characters, from Mairesse Jalbert to an arospec side character to Claude/Claire. All 3 were done really well and it fit naturally into their lives, being relevant in some ways but with them ultimately having more substance and being fully-fledged 3-D characters beyond that fact. I adored that the book let it be a facet of each of those three characters but that they were still more than that at the same time. Also, it always makes me so happy when a book has a QPR in it, and the one in this was really well done and treated seriously. The rep in this was so amazing.

I’d recommend this to anyone looking for a light urban fantasy read with a happy ending :)