A review by hstapp
Tarkin by James Luceno


Wow! This book was excellent. I can't recommend it highly enough. It Also has a really good cover. How come I don't do real reviews for goodreads only for Tumblr? I guess I'll just copy it here.

Wilhuff Tarkin, Moff and former Governor of Eriadu is stationed out in the outer rim overseeing the construction of the Death Star. He receives an urgent message from a nearby system, A strange unexpected call claiming that they have come under attack. Tarkin sees past the deception noticing some tell-tale interference caused by a recorded loop and is prepared when the attack come.
Tarkin foils the attack but is soon called away to Coruscant where he learns of a recently discovered cache of communications devices that could be used to disrupt and break into holonet communications. Despite protests the emperor sends Vader an Tarkin to the world these devices were discover. The two fall into a trap, and Tarkin’s ship is stolen. Tarkin and Vader must stop the ship and bring down the dissident’s network before they manage to do real damage.

This is one of the best Star Wars books I’ve read in a while. James Luceno does a good job making Tarkin seem adventurous an heroic, while still not taking away from his status as a villain. The format of the book is a bit strange. At one moment the book will read as a historical account. At the next, It’s Tarkin in present time. Then, It’s Tarkin n the past. These segments have no real division or Transition. It can make things a bit awkward at times, but for the most part it works well enough.

Besides being inside Tarkin’s head we also get to be inside of Palpatine’s. I think this is the first time I have seen that done, and if it isn’t it is certainly the best representation of Palpatine that I have seen.

The only problem I really have with the character of Tarkin in this s he doesn’t seem like the kind of man who would refuse to have his ship readied. He doesn’t seem like the kind of man who would refuse to listen to someone telling him that the rebels attack posed a threat. In fact he seems like the kind of man who would have analyzed their attack himself, and would have an escape plan, as well as a plan of attack.

The artwork for this is really good too. I love the realistic but still cartoony style of Tarkin and Vader. I also really like the choice of text and coloring for the title. There’s just something about it that screams Star Wars.

Definitely Check it out.