A review by briarsreviews
The Comeback by Marlene Perez


The Comeback by Marlene Perez is a Mean Girls styled novel aimed at the teenage demographic.

This book was not made for me, but I was determined to read this book since I was given an ARC copy of the book. That being said, I have no idea if the book has changed since this ARC was made!

I found The Comeback to be a book that I would have loved back in my pre-teen years. It was overly dramatic, full of mean girls and gossip, and showcases drama class (*insert teenage 'oooooohs' here*). The popular girl, Sophie, is suddenly not so popular anymore when a new girl comes to town. When her boyfriend breaks her heart, a not so new boy grabs her attention and the drama club spin her in a tornado like fashion, what will she do?! Well, she goes Regina George/Mean Girls on the high school, obviously.

I wish I would have read this years ago because I would have loved it back in my youth. These days, adult me found it a little bit kiddish. Luckily, it wasn't made with my demographic in mind so it's not a major negative for the novel. I think it would be grade for those Grade 6 girls to read a fun, goofy book like this that's full of the angst pre-teens have. It literally felt like a day in the life of 12 year old me (minus the high school shenanigans, but it is how I imagined high school would have been back in the day).

If you're looking for a teenage soap opera novel, this book is perfect for you! It is really well written, but it's full of high school drama so it won't sit well with every adult. Just know what you're getting into and make sure you research before you pick up this book (if you're an adult). Remember, it's YA! It's supposed to be fun and full of drama and insanity!

To point out the things I DID like:
1. Monet. What a gem! I wish I had a friend like that growing up! She's seriously the bomb and an awesome side character!
2. Dev. What a hottie! He has his flaws, but he's a fun romantic interest for the book!
3. Sophie's ending was well deserved - she tried her best and that's enough!

Two out of five stars - solely on the fact that it wasn't a book for ME. For pre-teen me, it probably would have been a solid 4.