A review by kellyhager
Stanley Will Probably Be Fine by Steve Wolfhard, Sally J. Pla

This is an absolutely delightful story. Stanley is nervous a lot. A LOT, though. Among other things, he's afraid of public transportation and crowds (but there are many other things). He's also picked on a lot and his best friend has started spending more time with the bullies than with Stanley. When this trivia contest starts, he's pretty sure it's the answer to everything: he'll get passes to Comic Fest and Joon will be sorry he stopped being Stanley's friend. Except, obviously, he has to face crowds and mass transit.

I've heard of a lot of kids being diagnosed with anxiety or other disorders lately, and I think this book would be very helpful for them. Stanley never stops being afraid, but he learns how to overcome that and move forward anyway.  (That's actually the best part. It's not like, "And Stanley tried really hard and he wasn't afraid anymore!" It's "Stanley was still terrified, but he tried anyway.")

This was my first Sally J. Pla book but I definitely want to check out her backlist.