A review by kenbooky
Poetic Remedies for Troubled Times: From Ask Baba Yaga by Taisia Kitaiskaia


A new friend from a writing workshop suggested this book. We both were in need of a break from poetry that analyzed the horribleness of everyday. Boy, was she onto something. This book still does that, don’t get me wrong. It’s just packaged as something entirely more manageable and entertaining. Poetry which is usually praised wholeheartedly for its form or when lacking/ it’s consistent bit or gimmick, when there is no form to be found. For such a gimmick to work you must have buy-in from your audience. What buy in do I have with this Slavic folktale witch? None really, but I have come from this book with a deep sense of admiration for all the older crone women in and out of my life who suffer no fools. Perhaps it is what I needed most in these “unprecedented”