A review by scearceka
Project ELE by Rebecca Gober, Courtney Nuckels


Disclaimer: I received a free e-book copy of this book from the authors in exchange for an honest review.

I absolutely LOVED this book! It pulled me in from the beginning, and I would've read it all in one sitting if I hadn't started it so late in the evening and needed sleep!! Still, I finished it the next day, and I desperately need the next one. I laughed, I cried, I thought back to how I felt during my first "real" relationship, and I pondered what I would do if I had to deal with the types of things that Willow and her friends see on a daily basis. I honestly don't think I could, and that's what pulled me into the story so much: The fact that these teenagers are having to live through this world, losing their family members to a virus, or having to leave them on the outside while they survive in this shelter. The relationships, whether just friends or otherwise, are exactly how I remember my teenage relationships (friendly, kinda awkward, but definitely "real" and "true", as much as they can be at that age), and I can't wait to see how they continue into the next book!!!

5 stars all the way!! =)