A review by themelleh
The Woman in Me by Britney Spears

dark emotional informative inspiring reflective sad fast-paced


Essential reading for all millennials- or anyone who’s ever loved or judged Britney. The grace and absolute compassion she has even after everything she has been through is awe inspiring and so beautiful. Her heart has always been so very beautiful and it absolutely shows through throughout this as she talks about friends, colleagues and other contemporaries. Britney Jean Spears is without a doubt one of the most beautiful souls and the way she talks about her love and respect for others is so beautiful.  Even when she’s talking about being hurt and disrespected, she does it in a way that is so kind and without the edge of anger. It must’ve taken a lot to get to that stage so I commend Brit for her healing journey and wish her well.

Yes, there are two sides to every story, and now we have Britney’s in Britney’s own words - her horrid family should be so terribly ashamed of their actions. That no one stood up for her… absolutely despicable. 

While we all know Jamie is the villain of the piece (but whoa, those bombs!), Lynne is not much better for passively standing by and doing nothing, especially when Britney was begging. And Bryan 😒 for shame. Trying to get dad’s approval by letting him exploit your little sister? You’re an absolute fricken wrong’un. Jamie-Lynn you may have been a kid at the beginning, but you were an adult when she asked for help, and then you capitalised on your sister’s name rather than helping her. So shame on you. Shame, shame, shame.

First five star read of the year for openness, honesty and integrity. For showing love and compassion to those who hurt you even when you didn’t have to. Jamie-Lynn certainly doesn’t deserve it and not even your two kids deserve the absolute love and forgiveness you’ve shown them after everything’s that come out but you rise, my sweet, Britney, you always rise. (And the overwhelming positiveness about Sam after what’s just happened, omg, Brit, babe!) Your heart is so beautiful. That they haven’t taken that from you is the true miracle.

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