A review by sjj169
All the Rage by Courtney Summers


Unpopular opinion time:

The blurb of this book says The sheriff’s son, Kellan Turner, is not the golden boy everyone thinks he is, and Romy Grey knows that for a fact.
The thing is....we never meet Kellan Turner in this book.

The book starts after Kellan Turner rapes Romy. (That is not a spoiler)

This is the after effects of Romy's story. It begins with her using her nail polish and lipstick as armor against the hate from the small town that she lives throws at her. She accused the sheriff's precious son of rape. *gasp*
Nothing happens to him at all.

She is shunned at school so she builds up walls around herself. Never telling anyone what happened. Never talking about anything. Her mom tries to help but Romy has shut everyone out.

The Bad:
The story jumps from NOW until TWO WEEKS LATER, but didn't really keep the storyline straight for me. I was confused with what was happening most of the time. I kept thinking things would clear up later in the book but for me it never really did.

The main character Romy. I didn't care for her. I just didn't get enough of a sense of her personality that I never formed an attachment to her. I should have. In a book of this type you SHOULD rage for that girl. Every-time she would have something bad happen it seemed like she just made things worse for herself. Then she would never explain anything to anyone so it just became one big cluster fuck. I know that she had been traumatized and wasn't thinking straight but it was just too much for me.

She has somewhat of a love interest in the book. I don't think it added to the story at all. It actually took away from it. She was so traumatized that a boy should not have entered into the picture yet.

I wanted to feel more for these characters. This book has bullying even of her mom's boyfriend who is disabled due to a car accident. The townspeople openly mock him for being lazy. Then the whole thing with Romy should have had me furious. It just didn't.
There is girl on girl hate........

and through it all I just kept waiting on the story to really start.

Now for the good:
The book does have a powerful message and the writing is good. I love Courtney Summers so don't go thinking I'm hating on her. I'm not.

The story line of a girl being shunned for accusing a popular boy of rape. This happens. The stories need told.
Stick up for your women/girl sisters people! Even you guys.