A review by hammard
Doctor Who: Falls the Shadow by Daniel O'Mahony


I have to wonder about the choice of book releases by the Virgin team at this time. This came out only 3 months after Strange England and 3 months before Ghosts of N-Space meaning that around a quarter of the books in this period are weird haunted house stories. Plus we also have the gothic horror infused Evolution and the violent religious imagery in Goth Opera, Strange England and St. Anthony's Fire.

On top of this it is given an additional 25% page count when the story really doesn't require it. It just seems to stretch it out. I feel it could really have done with being delayed for another 6 months and reworked as a Chris and Roz story to see how they cope with this kind of story, rather than have Ace deal with it for the umpteenth time.

Having said all that, I am a fan of this kind of story so I still quite enjoyed what was going on. It has a very Sapphire and Steel sense to it with a lot of atmosphere and good writing. However, it also has a lot of padding and little action for a main team.